Flag of Poland

MCJ Ref No: 1368/E/79
Project Stage: Contract Award
Area: Gdynia, Poland
Promoter: Komenda Portu Wojennego Gdynia, Rondo Bitwy pod Oliwa 1, Gdynia, 81-103, Poland
E-mail: kpw.przetargi@ron.mil.pl; Tel: +48 261 262 198
Value: 5,925,000 PLN

Profile: Contract awarded for the repair of ORP KASZUB.

Tender Details: Restricted Procedure
Date of Award: 10/07/2023
Tenders Received: 5
Supplier/Contractor: NET MARINE Marine Power Service Sp. z o. o., Szczecin, Poland
Dated: 09/08/2023